In September 2015 the REWE Dornseifer supermarket opened in the Gummersbach Forum shopping mall. With a sales area of 2,800 sqm this is the 17th store operated by the retailer from the Sauerland region whose focus on customer service, food service and convenience is not only reflected in stateoftheart shopfitting, but also in the café with its fresh cuisine located at the store entrance that has become a meeting place for the whole shopping mall.
The open atmosphere of the store sets a focus on transparency and easy orientation.
This is why the shelves are no higher than 1.60 m. A lighting concept tailored to the respective product groups and types of present ation with different light distribution patterns and light colours supports the high quality standards that are evident in many details of the shopfitting concept such as the 80 sqm wine department.
Dornseifer Unternehmensgruppe, Wenden, Germany
Shop fitting:
Linde Ladenbau, Bad Hersfel, Germany
Used products:
The special “BatWing” light distribution of the linear LED structure beledi XL efficiently illuminates the vertical shelf fronts.
Beledi XL
The LED lighting panels that seem to float in the checkout area underline the openness and transparency of the whole store concept.