This butcher in a small town near Antwerp isn't afraid of the future: Mark Noordijk is convinced that quality and freshness always find customers.
But Noordijk does not only uphold the Belgian gourmet tradition, he is also open to innovation: he blogs, he organises cooking and grilling workshops – and he invested in ultra-modern new shopfitting.
Dark ceilings, walls and floors, minimalist counters and progressive lighting technology create an exclusive atmosphere.
The interior designed by the experienced shopfitters Integral from Eeklo (BE) is low key – the stars are the products. The end result is impressive: not only do the room, the light and the products harmonise extremely well in the new butcher's shop; with the new LED lighting Noordijk also saves energy and operating costs.
Mark Noordijk
Keurslager Noordijk
Kerkstraat 44
9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas, Belgien
Intrior designer, shopfitting:
Integral NV
Zeelaan 7
9900 Eeklo, Belgien